ue I'm More Than Just a Mom...I Think: Apparently....u

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I can't hold my liquor.

[22:46] lumpyloohoo: you are a wreck
[22:47] lumpyloohoo: mental case
[22:47] rydia72: ?
[22:47] rydia72: me?
[22:47] rydia72: \yeagh
[22:47] rydia72: maybe or something whatever
[22:47] lumpyloohoo: yeah you
[22:47] rydia72: ooh perfect sentence again - fuck them all i can totaotly type
[22:47] lumpyloohoo: are you slurring
[22:47] lumpyloohoo: no you can't
[22:48] rydia72: i don't yknow I'm antot talking to anyoen I'm only typnig
[22:48] lumpyloohoo: we;; he;;
[22:48] lumpyloohoo: I mean hell
[22:50] lumpyloohoo: *** *** ****
[22:50] rydia72: whta's that?
[22:50] rydia72: i can't idael a funign phinoe righ ntow
[22:50] lumpyloohoo: nuber
[22:50] lumpyloohoo: I'llcall you
[22:50] lumpyloohoo: regular phone
[22:51] lumpyloohoo: number please
[22:51] rydia72: ui have rree minutes now wooo
[22:51] rydia72: free intues
[22:51] rydia72: free
[22:51] rydia72: minutes
[22:51] lumpyloohoo: well okay
[22:53] lumpyloohoo: well never mind then O ain't calling yah
[22:54] rydia72: huh?
[22:54] rydia72: callm e
[22:54] lumpyloohoo: number
[22:54] rydia72: i have free minutes now you can totaly vacll me and it won't cost me anythinw
[22:55] rydia72: 4432 5566 4288
[22:55] lumpyloohoo: 443
[22:55] rydia72: call my ell
[22:55] rydia72: 677724288
[22:55] lumpyloohoo: that is to many numbers
[22:55] rydia72: 4
[22:55] lumpyloohoo: type it slow
[22:55] rydia72: 4
[22:55] rydia72: 3
[22:55] rydia72: 6
[22:55] rydia72: 7
[22:55] rydia72: 7
[22:55] rydia72: 4
[22:55] rydia72: 234
[22:55] rydia72: 4
[22:55] rydia72: 2
[22:55] rydia72: 98
[22:55] rydia72: f#@k
[22:55] lumpyloohoo: oh god
[22:55] rydia72: *** *** ****
[22:55] rydia72: *** *** ****
[22:55] rydia72: *** *** ****
[22:55] rydia72: yes
[22:56] lumpyloohoo: spaz


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favorite wine drinker-

2:00 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I love Drunk Cathy.

11:59 AM  

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