ue I'm More Than Just a Mom...I Think: It's all goodu

Saturday, August 20, 2005

It's all good

Got the results back and they are negative - YIPPIE!!!!! I missed my doc's call, so I didn't get to talk to him about when I can start the Progesterone treatment. My guess is I can start it on Monday, but I will call him and find out then. I'm excited to hopefully have an answer to all of this. I just want to be normal again.

Went to the library today and got the first season of Six Feet Under on dvd. I adore this show. It's fun going back and watching it again from the beginning. Everyone looks so different, even though it was only 4 years ago.

David might be going out tonight until late. I'm glad he's getting out and doing something fun. Seems I'm the only one that goes out now and he deserves some time to himself as well.


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